Human resources come before financial resources so the money can be counted as it floods in!
But seriously, some thought should be given to the financial feasibility of the project before acquiring material resources which may never be needed.
"So how much are we talking about?"
"How does £100 million sound?"
"Well it sounds like a lot of money."
"Until that is you divide by 50 million. That's £2 each."
"But not everyone in the country will wish to be involved."
"Well, let's take a different figure. The size of the crowd at Upton Park for example. Say 35,000."
"That's better. But it's still about £3k each."
"Maybe we could get a few large donations or possibly a lot of small donations."
"Yes. Maybe."
"Or a loan or a mortgage? There are all sorts of possibilities. Let's see what happens. Acorns and oaks. The main thing is to get started and not miss the chance again through lack of a plan.
Now let's consider human resources. The armed forces like counting in threes; two to do the business and one in reserve. And as it's an odd number, you can't get a tied vote from two plans.
But seriously, some thought should be given to the financial feasibility of the project before acquiring material resources which may never be needed.
"So how much are we talking about?"
"How does £100 million sound?"
"Well it sounds like a lot of money."
"Until that is you divide by 50 million. That's £2 each."
"But not everyone in the country will wish to be involved."
"Well, let's take a different figure. The size of the crowd at Upton Park for example. Say 35,000."
"That's better. But it's still about £3k each."
"Maybe we could get a few large donations or possibly a lot of small donations."
"Yes. Maybe."
"Or a loan or a mortgage? There are all sorts of possibilities. Let's see what happens. Acorns and oaks. The main thing is to get started and not miss the chance again through lack of a plan.
Now let's consider human resources. The armed forces like counting in threes; two to do the business and one in reserve. And as it's an odd number, you can't get a tied vote from two plans.
So how about three from each of the following areas: finance, the law, administration. An interest in football an advantage. Call it a committee or a working-party. Add a chairman, a secretary and a treasurer and we're in business. Each sub-group reports its findings to the whole committee. And we take it from there."
"Now we need some money."
"But first we must recruit our volunteer experts."